Danielle Berg

  • Assistant Professor
  • Astronomy
Profile image of Danielle Berg


Dr. Berg is an assistant professor in the Department of Astronomy at the University of Texas at Austin. Prior to that, she held postdoctoral research positions at the Ohio State University and the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee. Currently, her main research projects focus on the evolution of galaxies, both near and far, including: Extreme emission line galaxies, the evolution of C/O abundances in star-forming galaxies, characterizing the stellar and nebular properties of lensed galaxies, and more.


Dr. Berg's research focuses on bridging our deepest understanding of galaxies, which comes from connecting the local galaxies in our backyard with the first seeds of galaxies in the very distant and early universe. Dr. Berg is especially interested in how star-forming galaxies formed, reionized the universe, and evolved to the diverse population we see today. Using ground- and space-based multiwavlength observations (mostly X-ray, UV, optical, and IR spectra), she studies the chemical and stellar evolution of star-forming galaxies, near and far. These observations probe the feedback between the ionizing stellar populations and their surroundings, revealing the properties of massive stars, high-mass X-ray binaries, resonantly scattered emission, galactic-scale feedback, interstellar medium absorption, and nebular emission.

Research Areas

  • Cosmology or Space

Fields of Interest

  • Extragalactic
  • Interstellar Medium

Centers and Institutes

  • Cosmic Frontier Center


  • University of Minnesota | Ph.D. Astrophysics
  • Gustavus Adolphus College | B.A. Physics, B.A. Mathematics


  • Accessibility Champion Award | Accessibility and Disability Office|UT CNS Faculty Travel Grant, 2023
  • Board of Visitors Teaching Excellence Award CNS Faculty Travel Grant, 2022
  • Rom Rhome International Professional Development Fund | $1,200 AAS International Travel Grant, 2021