Karl Gebhardt
- Professor
- Department Chair
- Astronomy
Herman and Joan Suit Professor in Astrophysics
Roland K. Blumberg Endowment in Astronomy (Fellow)
Contact Information
One of Dr. Gebhardt's main areas of interest are the Dynamics of globular clusters. Along with Tad Pryor and Ted Williams, Dr. Gebhardt has pioneered the use of an imaging Fabry-Perot (FP) for acquiring large velocity samples in globular cluster (both Galactic and Magellenic). This work is a continuation of his thesis work, where he developed the observing strategies and analysis techniques for using the FP. He also studied the Kinematics of Galaxy Clusters. he wrote a statistical package, ROSTAT, which applied a variety of estimators for location, scale, confidence bands, and goodness-of-fit to a specific distribution, among many other tests, to a given dataset. This package was distributed among the astronomical community and has received considerable use and praise from the users. Some of the subroutines which are more heavily used are the biweight estimator for location and scale and the bootstrap technique for determining confidence bands.
Dr. Gebhardt's research includes: Formation and evolution of galaxies; dynamics of stellar systems; study of supermassive black holes.
Research Areas
- Cosmology or Space
Fields of Interest
- Extragalactic
Centers and Institutes
- McDonald Observatory
- Ph.D., Rutgers University (1994)
- M.S., Michigan State University, (1990)
- B.S., University of Rochester, NY (1986)
120. McConnell, N. et al. 2012, “Dynamical Measurements of Black Hole Masses in Four Brightest Cluster Galaxies at 100 Mpc”, ApJ, 756, 179
119. Lutzgendorf et al. 2012, “High-velocity stars in the cores of globular clusters: the illustrative case of NGC 2808”, A&A, 543, 82
118. Lutzgendorf et al. 2012, “Central kinematics of the globular cluster NGC 2808:upper limit on the mass of an intermediate-mass black hole”, A&A, 542, 129
117. Greene, J. et al. 2012, “The Stellar Halos of Massive Elliptical Galaxies”, ApJ, 750, 32
116. Norris, M. et al. 2012, “The globular cluster kinematics and galaxy dark matter content of NGC 3923”, MNRAS, 421, 1485
115. Jardel, J. & Gebhardt, K. 2012, “The Dark Matter Density Profile of the Fornax Dwarf”, ApJ, 746, 89
114. Jalali, B. et al. 2012, “A Dynamical N-body model for the central region of Centauri”, A&A, 538, 19
113. Adams, J. et al. 2012, “The Central Dark Matter Distribution of NGC 2976”, ApJ, 745, 92
112. McConnell, N. et al. 2011 “Two ten-billion-solar-mass black holes at the centres of giant elliptical galaxies”, Nature, 480, 215
111. Gultekin et al. 2011, “Is There a Black Hole in NGC 4382?”, ApJ, 741, 38
110. Faifer, F. et al. 2011, “Gemini/GMOS imaging of globular cluster systems in five early-type galaxies”, MNRAS, 416, 155Karl Gebhardt October 2, 2012
109. Jardel, J., Gebhardt, K. et al. 2011, ”Orbit-based Dynamical Models of the Sombrero Galaxy (NGC 4594)”, ApJ, 739, 21
108. Lutzgendorf, N. et al. 2011, ”Kinematic signature of an intermediate-mass black hole in the globular cluster NGC 6388”, A&A, 533, 36
107. Murphy, J., Gebhardt, K., Adams, J. 2011, “Galaxy Kinematics with VIRUS-P: The Dark Matter Halo of M87”, ApJ, 729, 129
106. Gebhardt, K. et al. 2011, “The Black-Hole Mass in M87 from Gemini/NIFS Adaptive Optics Observations”, ApJ, 729, 119
105. Thomas, J. et al. 2011, “Dynamical masses of early-type galaxies: a comparison to lensing results and implications for the stellar IMF and the distribution of dark matter”, MNRAS, 415, 545
104. Finkelstein, S. et al. 2011, “The HETDEX Pilot Survey. III. The Low Metallicities of High-redshift Ly. Galaxies”, ApJ, 729, 140
103. Blanc, G. et al. 2011, “The HETDEX Pilot Survey. II. The Evolution of the Ly-alpha Escape Fraction from the UV Slope and Luminosity Function of 1.9 < z < 3.8 LAEs”, ApJ, accepted
102. Adams, J. et al. 2011, “The HETDEX Pilot Survey. I. Survey Design, Performance, and Catalog of Emission-line Galaxies”, ApJS, 192, 5
101. Schulze, A., & Gebhardt, K. 2011, “Effect of a Dark Matter Halo on the Determination of Black Hole Masses”, ApJ, 729, 21
100. McConnell, N. et al. 2011, “The Black Hole Mass in Brightest Cluster Galaxy NGC 6086”, ApJ, 728, 100
99. Noyola, E., Gebhardt, K. et al. 2010, “Very Large Telescope Kinematics for Omega Centauri: Further Support for a Central Black Hole”, ApJL, 719, L60
98. Forestell, A. & Gebhardt, K. 2010, “Hobby-Eberly Telescope Observations of the Dark Halo in NGC 821”, ApJ, 716, 370
97. Churavoz, E. et al. 2010, “Comparison of approximately isothermal gravitational potentials of elliptical galaxies based on X-ray and optical data”, MNRAS, 404, 1165
96. Shen, J. & Gebhardt, K. 2010, “The Supermassive Black Hole and Dark Matter Halo of NGC 4649 (M60)”, ApJ, 711, 484
95. Blanc, G., Heiderman, A., Gebhardt, K., Evans, N.J., & Adams, J. 2009, “The Spatially Resolved Star Formation Law From Integral Field Spectroscopy: VIRUS-P Observations of NGC 5194”, ApJ, 704, 842
94. Gebhardt, K., & Thomas, J. 2009, “The Black Hole Mass, Stellar M/L, and Dark Halo in M87”, ApJ, 700, 1690
93. Humphrey, P., Buote, D., Brighenti, F., Gebhardt, K., Mathews, W. 2009, “Hydrostatic Gas Constraints on Supermassive Black Hole Masses: Implications forHydrostatic Equilibrium and Dynamical Modeling in a Sample of Early-type Galaxies”, 793, 1257
- 2012 Edith and Peter O’Donnell Award in Science from the Academy of Medicine, Engineering and Science of Texas
- 2009 Herman and Joan Suit Professor of Astrophysics
- 2004 NSF CAREER Award
- 2004 Teaching Excellence Award, McDonald Board of Visitors
- 2003 Teaching Excellence Award, University of Texas
- 2003 Benjamin Dean Lecturer, Morrison Planetarium
- 2001 Invited talk at American Astronomical Society Meeting
- 1997 – 2000 Hubble Fellowship
- 1995 Recipient of the 1995 Northeastern Association of Graduate Schools Dissertation Award (2 per year in Science)Karl Gebhardt October 2, 2012
- 1991 – 1993 U.S. Department of Education Fellowship
- 1990 Best Teaching Assistant at Michigan State University