Core Courses
These are required courses and courses that can be counted for your major.
AST 307: Introductory Astronomy
Introduction to astronomy for science and engineering students. The solar system, stars, galaxies, and cosmology. Only one of the following may be counted: AST 301, 302, 303, 307.
Prerequisite: Mathematics 305G or the equivalent or consent of instructor; high school trigonometry and physics are recommended.
AST 350L: History and Philosophy of Astronomy
Historical influence of astronomical concepts on social, economic, literary, and scientific life; the place of astronomy in society.
Prerequisite: Upper-division standing; and Astronomy 301, 302, 303, or consent of instructor.
AST 351: Astronomical Instrumentation
A hands-on course in computer-controlled optical instrumentation. This course is intended for Natural Sciences and Engineering students interested in the practical aspects of instrument design and construction. Topics covered include optics and optical design, electronics, machining and mechanical design, and computer interfacing. Students work in groups to learn the material and as teams design a computer-controlled optical instrument.
Prerequisites: Upper-division standing in Natural Sciences or Engineering, or consent of instructor.
AST 352K: General Stellar Astronomy
Properties of stars and starlight; principles of radiation; interpretation of stellar spectra. Observational techniques such as photometry, spectroscopy, telescopes and detectors; variable stars; binary stars.
Prerequisite: Upper-division standing, and one of the following: Physics 301 and 303L; 301 and 316; 303K and 303L; or 303K and 316
AST 353: Astrophysics
Survey of the physics of stellar and nonstellar radiation laws, stellar atmospheres and interiors; high-energy astrophysics.
Prerequisite: One of the following: Physics 301 and 303L; 301 and 316; 303K and 303L; or 303K and 316.
AST 358: Galaxies and the Universe
Our Milky Way Galaxy and its constituents; stars and interstellar matter. Properties of other galaxies; galaxy interactions and mergers; expansion and evolution of the Universe.
Prerequisite: Upper-division standing, and one of the following: Physics 301 and 303L; 301 and 316; 303K and 303L; or 303K and 316.
AST 364P: Planetary Systems
Modern studies of the solar system, including properties of the planets and smaller bodies, and the origin of planetary systems.
Astronomy 364 and 364P may not both be counted.
Prerequisite: Upper-division standing; Physics 316 or 303L; and Astronomy 307, 352K, or 353.
AST 376: Special Topics in Advanced Astronomy
Topic 1: Observational Methods in Astronomy. A hands-on course in astronomical observations and data analysis. Explores astronomical observing techniques, data reduction and analysis, and interpretation of results. The coursework will include regular exercises in obtaining and analyzing data to solve currently relevant astronomical problems.
Additional prerequisite: Astronomy 376R with a grade of at least C-.
AST 376C: Cosmology
The laws of physics applied to the Universe at large: its featureless beginning in the Big Bang, its fundamental constituents including radiation, atoms, and dark matter; the discoveries of universal expansion and dark energy, and a structure reflected in the web of galaxies. Designed for science and engineering majors.
Astronomy 376 (Topic: Cosmology) and 376C may not both be counted.
Prerequisite: Upper-division standing, and one of the following: Physics 301 and 303L; 301 and 316; 303K and 303L; or 303K and 316.
AST 376R: A Practical Introduction to Research
Restricted to science and engineering majors.
Practical exercises including analysis of imaging data, visualization, programming exercises with Python, IDL or other languages, statistical analyses, and training for papers and oral presentations.
Astronomy 376 (Topic: Practical Intro to Research) and 376R may not both be counted.
Prerequisite: Mathematics 305G or the equivalent; prior computing experience and an introductory astronomy course are recommended.
AST 379H: Honors Tutorial Course
Research project and thesis for students electing to take the honors program in astronomy. May be repeated once for credit.
Prerequisite: Consent of the student’s research supervisor and the departmental honors adviser.
AST 110K, 210K, 310K, 175, 275, 375: Conference Course
Supervised study of selected areas of astronomy, by arrangement with a faculty member. May be repeated for credit when the topics vary.
Prerequisite: Written consent of the instructor (in addition for 175, 275, 375: Upper-division standing).