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Board of Visitors Great Lectures in Astronomy
Saturday, February 17, 2018, 01:30pm - 02:30pm

From the Telescope to the Laboratory and Back Again: The Wootton Center for Astrophysical Plasma Properties

Professor Don Winget and Dr. Mike Montgomery, The University of Texas at Austin

The core principle of the Center for Astrophysical Plasma Properties (CAPP) is to do "at-parameter" experiments under astrophysical conditions of stars and accretion disks—making astronomy an experimental science.  We have designed initial experiments to address stellar opacities, line-broadening, and the physics of accretion disks around black holes.  We plan to expand the suite of experiments to other astrophysical environments. This Center will bring to the department full support for five graduate students. CAPP will also support two postdocs in the astronomy department.  Also involved in CAPP as Co-Investigators are Craig Wheeler and incoming faculty member Keith Hawkins.  Each will work with a graduate student involved in the intersection of astronomy and experimental astrophysics. We will discuss the impact of this on the UT Astronomy Program.

Location: POB 2.302 (Avaya Auditorium)